Richmond Hill Naturalists present Bridget Stutchbury: Songbirds’ Epic Journey


Each fall, billions of songbirds leave Canada on an epic journey to their far-away wintering grounds in Central and South America where many live in tropical forests shared by toucans, howler monkeys, and jaguars. Dozens of species have experienced serious, long-term population declines that are driven in part by the threats that these birds face […]

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Mill Pond Splash

Join us as we celebrate the Don River watershed at the 14th annual Mill Pond Splash, a  FREE eco-festival held at Mill Pond Park, near downtown Richmond Hill The 14th annual Mill Pond Splash, a popular eco-festival hosted by the Don Watershed Regeneration Council, Toronto and Region Conservation, the Town of Richmond Hill, and the […]

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April 19th! Richmond Hill Naturalists Pot Luck & Annual General Meeting

With Guest Speaker: Paul LaPorte From The North American Native Plant Society.  Paul will speak about  the importance of native plants to various pollinators and touches on examples of flora/ fauna relationships. He will also introduce a few native species, demonstrate how to establish a native plant garden and acquaint the unfamiliar with the North […]

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