RHN News

Dr. Tom Bolton: Saving the Stars

Date: Saturday, October 21, 2006. 7:00pm
Location: David Dunlop Observatory, 123 Hillsview Dr.
(1 block South of Weldrick Ave., west side of Bayview Ave.)

Dr. Tom Bolton, working at the David Dunlop Observatory in Richmond Hill discovered the first black hole. He demonstrated to the Richmond Hill Council the need to reduce the light effect of our community on the night skies. We now enjoy the ability to view the stars in town. His scientific and community work has changed Richmond Hill to improve the town for star-gazers and night-lovers. Come hear Dr. Bolton speak about our need to continue to reduce light impacts to save the stars in town and the history of the David Dunlap Observatory in the heart of Richmond Hill!

Car-pool please as parking is limited.
RSVP to [email protected] as seating is limited.

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