RHN News

2007 Chistmas Bird Count is about to fly

In the years prior to 1900 there was a North American tradition of a Christmas ‘side-hunt’, with the intent of bagging the largest number of feathered and furry creatures. In 1900, at the dawn of a very slow-developing concern over the environment, a move began to instead do a bird count. The first such count was done by 27 people in 25 cities across North America, including Toronto. In recent years it has grown to include more than 1500 locations and over 60,000 participants. It has been formalized into a process of counting the total number of birds of every species found in a 24-km diameter circle on a single 24-hr day in the Christmas period (this year 14-28 December).

In Richmond Hill the count has been carried out under the auspices of he Richmond Hill Naturalists since 1955. Our circle is centered roughly at the intersection of the Stouffville Side Road and Yonge Sreet, and extends from Steeles Ave in the South to Mulock in the North, and from McCowan to Pine Valley E to W. This area is covered in two ways. The main effort is undertaken by a number of volunteers who split up into groups each of which will cover one of 9 subdivisions of the circle.Additional participants are always welcome, and need only contact one of the Coordinators (see below).

wild_birds_unlimited.jpgThe second approach invites anyone living in the circle to report any birds they see at their own feeders on that day (this year Saturday 15 December). They can watch for any length of time, and need only make a record of all that they see. This list can then be communicated to the RH Naturalists by emailing [email protected], or by ordinary mail to the Club (PO Box 32217, Harding Postal Outlet, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9S3) or by phone to one of the Coordinators (Gene Denzel at 905-889-7888).

This year, for the first time, the event is being sponsored by the Wild Birds Unlimited store on Yonge Street, south of Hwy 407. They are donating prizes for both groups of participants. Winners of one of three gift card prizes will be drawn from amongst those backyard feeder watchers who submit their data by Wednesday 19 December. The winner from the other group will be drawn at the traditional Chili Supper held on the evening of the count day.

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