RHN News

Web site update

The new web site is almost finished. Mostly we need text changes on the front page (there is too much). Other than that, here a quick update of the other sectiions:

RHN Bulletin: an archive of PDF versions of the newsletter. Some thought will have to go into whether some or all of each issue is converted to HTML.

Events: a listing of upcoming events, culled from the newsletter. We could use a web-based events calendar system for this, but someone would have to keep it up to date.

Photo Gallery: I experimented with several free galleries. If people are really interested, we can set one up for the club. For now, I created a Flickr.com “Richmond Hill Naturalists” photo Group. The photos that appear in the gallery page are pulled from this group, so if anyone in the club would like to contribute photos, please let me know by leaving a comment here.

Resources and Links: I’ve linked to a few Ontario naturalist resources, etc and a few other things — even a weekly cartoon! I wanted to have relevant headlines appear here using RSS feeds, but have only the greenpages.ca feed (it’s sort of ok).

RHN Blog: I think this feature could become the backbone of the site and serve as a simple content management system. We can set up posting accounts for anyone who wants to contribute stories for the newsletter, club news, field trip reports, etc. Blog headlines can appear automatically on the frontpage of the site. Also we can allow anyone — or any RHN member to leave comments in the blog.

Membership: web version of the membership form.

Contact Us: a way for users to leave comments about the site or messages for the club executive (not finished)

So that is where things stand now. There is still some tweaking of graphics and colours to do. I’m really hoping people will start sharing photos via Flickr so we can use some other images on these pages. Comments and suggestions from RHN members would be appreciated. Finally we still need to register a domain, pay for a hosting service and move the content.

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